Suggestion that it would be beneficial to have a 'copy' option within DIP. Mainly due to client submitting two BTL DIPs (for example) for the same lender, once one has been submitted you need to rekey all the lender DIP forms again, even though nothing has changed except perhaps the product (if not using agnostic).
It is an option to copy on the lender site (in this case Virgin) which means that using APPLY causes extra work and simpler to go direct
Adding a copy/duplicate DiP to APPLY so it can be submitted to the lender twice would not align with a lender and how they accept DiPs as well as create multiple cases for the same client on APPLY and the lender Portal.
Users should go via the lenders Portal if they want to amend and resubmit if Case Amendments is not offered via APPLY. This apprach will also save any rekeying of duplicate data and keep the client records clean and managable without multiple 'new' cases being recorded for the same client with a lender.