The columns in the evidence of research EOR should reflect those used to source the mortgage. For example If I chose a product with a higher rate rate & higher LTV threshold over one that was cheaper but had a lower LTV threshold. An adviser might do this is to create a buffer in case the property was down valued but the EOR does not show this. If there was a complaint about the advice the adviser won't be able to demonstrate this fact. The EOR should show the columns that the adviser has used to advise the mortgage. Professional indemnity companies will ask for the EOR and reasons why letter if there is a complaint. What has been recorded in the reason why letter should be evident in the EOR not just the total cost & revert rate etc. Many Advisers do not advise a product based on the revert rate or the balance outstanding but they are included by default (why). If only 10 columns can be displayed on the EOR then allow the adviser to default the columns they feel are most relevant to the advise they gave. If they get a complaint that was upheld because they could not demonstrate their advise using twenty7tech then that would be big news for the journals. Professional Indemnity companies compliance officers and brokers will then start to ask for the evidence that they feel is relevant to be shown to protect them in the event of any future claims. Thanks